Galizien German Family Books

Galizien Village Family Books

The Galizien Village Family Books is a collection of families who are known to have been residents of a particular village. Each book focuses on a particular village.  The Galiziendeutschen - Geschichte und Erinnerungskultur (The Galician Germans - History and Culture Remembered, formerly the Hilfskomitee) organization in Germany, principally Manfred Daum, created these family books by transcribing births, deaths and marriages from original church records and other documents into family groups and then combining all the family groups in a village into a single village book. Here is an example of what a family group in one of the familybooks looks like (including an explanation of terms). Considering the long hours of time required to compile one of these village books Manfred Daum charges a very reasonable US$10.00 per village. These village family books are delivered by immediate download from the payment page and by a link from an accompanying email.  For more information, see our Frequently Asked Questions page.

Index of all Villages for which there is a Familybook

Galizien-German Family Books (Current as of Nov 2023) 
Bearbeitungsstand galiziendeutscher Ortsfamilienbücher (2023-11)

The word "mit" is used in the above file to denote that the village is included in a nearby town. e.g.
(mit Baginsberg u. Slawitz) = With the Baginsberg and Slawitz Familybooks

Which Family Books should I order?

We have created a long list of all surnames found in the Galizien Village Familybooks. You can search our listing HERE. 
The result of this search will be a list of all familybooks in which your surname is found. Each link on the search result page will take you to a list of all surnames in a particular village book. Write down the names of all the villages you wish to order and see the "Ordering Books" instructions below.

If you want to just browse the surnames in any particular village we have created a webpage that has links to each village in our Familybooks Surname Listing.
Click on this link to view our All Surnames in all Villages Index webpage.

Ordering Books

Price: Per Village Familybook : $10.00 USD

Once you know which books you wish to order, click on this link to our PayPal page to complete the order.