Books Available to Members Only lock icon

    • History of the Germans in the Carpathian Countries: Parts of the 1911 book by Raimund Kaindl, "History of the Germans in Galicia, Hungary, Bukovina and Romania from about 1770 until 1911" were being slowly translated for us by members Erika Paulson and Erich Slawski. However, we recently discovered that the part of the book concerning Galicia, was translated by Albert R. Riep in 1991, and we have obtained permission to make it available to our members. Click the title above to access the full 77 page section on Galicia (462 kB).

    • Galician Villagers and the Ukrainian National Movement in the Nineteenth Century by John-Paul Himka, London 1988.  This 358 page book is a history of the struggle of the common people of Galicia to gain some control over their lives. It has sections on the serfdom. education, newspapers,  and the "awakening peasantry". (7 MB).

    • Heim ins Reich: Carina Vogt discusses the history, background and actual process of the resettlement of ethnic Germans from eastern Europe during WW 2. This thesis document contains sections translated by GGD member Richard Graumann.  Some readers may find the opinions of Germans at the time offensive.

    • Genealogy in Galicia by Maciej Orzechowski:  This 22 page booklet gives detailed advice on how and where to search for records about Galicia. The content of the book was used during the author's presentation for the Polish Genealogical Society of America Conference in Chicago in 2019. If you find this book useful, you may wish to donate (any amount) to the Hospice and Care Center “Betania” in the author's city of Przemyśl, as described in the last page of the booklet.

    • Felizienthal, History of the German Language Enclave in Eastern Galicia.  This 604 page book was translated by a group of dedicated GGD members over 5 years.  It includes history, politics, folklore, maps and pictures.  The very large book is divided into two downloadable files, each about 16MB in size.  Pages 0-392 with most of the text and pages 392-604 with the maps and pictures. It is reprinted in English with permission from the author, Siegfried Grüdl. 

    • Neu Sandez, Unforgettable Homeland  is a 1982 book about the Galizien German settlement of the Neu Sandez area (today’s Nowy Sącz, Poland).  It has has about 300 pages of history, memories, customs, events, and trip reports.  Our thanks to member Rich Bogdanovich and the translators that helped him in producing an excellent product.  It is available to members in English with the permission of the author's widow.